Il Museo Maca di Palazzo San Sebastiano
The Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design Workshop coordinated by Professors Marco Borsotti and Alba Di Lieto, as part of the degree course in Progettazione dell'Architettura at Mantova Campus of the Politecnico di Milano, is hosting Veronica Ghizzi, director of the Civic Museums of Mantova. The director will trace the history of the scientific and museological project that led to the creation of MACA, Museo delle Collezioni Antiche, at the Palazzo di San Sebastiano, in Mantova.
The event will be in Italian and will be held at classroom A.1.4 on the Mantova Campus - Piazza Carlo d'Arco, 3.
Attached is the poster of the event
From to09:30 - 12:30
Il Museo Maca di Palazzo di San Sebastiano
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