Lecturers: Activities will be coordinated by Professors Barbara Bogoni and Vittorio Uccelli
Period: June 29 to July 5, 2025
Location: Casarola di Monchio delle Corti (Parma)
Places available: 30
Closing date for registration: While places are available or May 30, 2025
Description: During the week of June 29 to July 05, 2025, the ninth edition of the Architecture workshop entitled La Casa del Poeta (The Poet's House) will kick off and will be held in Casarola di Monchio delle Corti (PR). Perched on the ridge of the Parma Apennines and immersed in the Parco dei Cento Laghi and the Attilio, Bernardo and Giuseppe Bertolucci Literary Park recently established and the only Literary Park present in Emilia Romagna, the village of Casarola is known to be the home of poet Attilio Bertolucci and his sons Bernardo and Giuseppe Bertolucci. In the upper part of the village is the poet's 17th-century house where the whole family and particularly Attilio spent long periods of inspiration until the last years of his life.
The Architectural Composition Workshop The Poet's House offers participating students an intense design experience in a context that is quite relevant in terms of culture, landscape-environment and existing architectural heritage. The workshop, which will take the form of a design atelier, will allow students to meet internationally renowned architects and work closely with a series of visiting-critics who will alternate throughout the workshop, assisted by architects acting as tutors.
Educational credits: 4 CFU for architecture students and 3 CFU for engineering students (internship) are recognized.
For more information and to register for the workshop, visit the website: www.parcoappennino.it/casadelpoeta
Lecturers: Activities will be coordinated by Professors Elisa Boeri, Luca Cardani, Carlo Peraboni e Claudia Tinazzi
Period: March – June 2025
Location: Mantova Campus, Politecnico di Milano
Places available: 30
Closing date for registration: 30 – 2nd and 3rd year bachelor's degree students
Description: The workshop, aimed at students of the Bachelor's Degree (2nd and 3rd years), explores the themes of the Master's Degree in Architectural Design and History active at the Mantova Campus of the Politecnico di Milano. The activities hinge on MANTOVARCHITETTURA 2025, a cultural project that for more than ten years has included exhibitions, conferences and meetings with the protagonists of international architectural culture on the theme of the dialogue between urban context and project, who will be involved in the work phases. The workshop is among the activities incardinated in the UNESCO Chair in Architectural Planning and Protection in Heritage Cities established at the Mantova Campus of Politecnico di Milano.
The theme of MANTOVARCHITECTURE 2025 Architecture and conflicts will be interpreted by the workshop on the track of Mantuan history and contemporaneity. The analogical potential of medieval war machines is the basis of the investigation of the design workshop that questions the possibilities of operating a critique through re-construction, in order to transform the warlike character into a liberating, festive and surprising one.
Educational credits: 4 CFU for architecture students
For more information please see the attached Workshop presentation
To register for the workshop, you must fill out the following FORM