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The Future in History

Degree award promoted by the Department of Architecture, Building Environment and Construction Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano for Federico Bucci.

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Federico Bucci Award for the Best Theses


The thesis awards are intended for graduates, either individually or in groups, from any international university, who have presented a master’s thesis or equivalent in the last 4 years (between April 1, 2021, and the application deadline: March 31, 2025) in the fields of architecture, engineering, design, or related disciplines, in either Italy or internationally.

Types of Theses: 

  • Historical thesis: Master’s Degree Thesis in History of Architecture, whose final product clearly demonstrates an original and innovative character;
  • Project thesis: Master’s Degree Project Theses on urban themes, particularly attentive to the dialogue with the historical context of reference.


  • Historical thesis: 1 prize worth 2,000 euros to be awarded to the first classified historical Thesis + 2 special prizes worth 1,000 euros each;
  • Project thesis: 1 prize worth 2,000 euros to be awarded to the first classified project Thesis + 2 special prizes worth 1,000 euros each.

Application submission:

  • via the appropriate function available in the Online Services (Facilities and Conventions > Scholarships, Degree Awards). Persons who are not registered with Politecnico di Milano's Online Services, in order to submit the application, must first register at under Register. Once registered, under Facilities and Conventions you can select the link Scholarships, degree awards. In the list of calls for applications, it is necessary to select “Call for Selection of No. 6 awards for dissertation on the theme ‘The Future in History’ in memory of Professor Federico Bucci.”
  • sending the application (Annex A of the call), a copy of the degree if obtained abroad, a copy of the identity document together with a USB flash drive containing the thesis paper in .pdf format. This documentation should be sent by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt or by express courier, by the deadline of March 31, 2025, addressed to Politecnico di Milano ADDENDUM - BANDO DI SELEZIONE DI N. 6 PREMI DI LAUREA SUL TEMA “IL FUTURO NELLA STORIA” 2 - Department of Architecture, Building Environment and Construction Engineering, P.zza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 MILANO.

The award has a deadline of March 31, 2025 and is sponsored by the Department of Architecture, Building Environment and Construction Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano. For any information, e-mail address is available: or call 0223995615

Poster and Announcement attached